Canadian Consulting Engineer

Company News in Brief (June 21, 2007)

June 21, 2007
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, a firm of consulting engineers in Toronto, has rebranded itself as the MMM Group...

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, a firm of consulting engineers in Toronto, has rebranded itself as the MMM Group. Bruce Bodden, president and CEO, said that all the company’s subsidiaries, including Rybka Smith and Ginsler, ND LEA, Bel-MK Engineering and Usher Canada, will carry the new name.
Hatch Energy has won the Front-End Engineering Design services contract for the Fort Hills ore preparation plant silo. The Fort Hills Oil Sands project is one of the largest remaining undeveloped oil sand leases in the Athabasca Region of Alberta. The project involves Petro Canada, UTS Energy and Teck Cominco. The project kicked off on May 14.
AMEC is to design and manage a $900-million expansion of Potash-Corp’s Cory Potash Mine in Saskatchewan. The expansion will increase the plant’s production by 1.2 million tonnes. Saskatchewan has the world’s largest deposits of potash, the results of giant seas evaporating over millions of years. The mineral is used in fertilizers.
AMEC also won the first Surrey Board of Trade Environment and Business Achievement Award in early June. The award was given by the B.C. city in recognition of the company’s innovative use of InSAR technology in potential landslide areas.
Gartner Lee has appointed a new manager of its Yellowknife Office. Bob Wooley will be responsible for the company’s activities in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.


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