Canadian Consulting Engineer

Company Updates: MCW, Trow

April 17, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

MCW Custom Energy Solutions, a consulting engineering company based in Toronto, has partnered with the Clinton Clim...

MCW Custom Energy Solutions, a consulting engineering company based in Toronto, has partnered with the Clinton Climate Initiative. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton launched the initiative in August 2006 and is working with cities around the world on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One of its programs is to provide funds for retrofitting buildings to be more energy efficient. Because it is an independent energy company, MCW says it is not tied to any manufacturers’ products, and thus is able to recommend flexible solutions for specific needs.
Northland Engineering Limited has changed its name to Trow Associates. The Northland company, which has offices in Sudbury and North Bay, Ontario, was originally acquired by Trow in 2005, but has just decided to change its name.
Trow has become the official corporate sponsor for one of its employees as he heads for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Brian Price is a native of Belleville, Ontario, and an employee of Trow in Ottawa. He will be coxswain of the Canadian Men’s Heavyweight 8 Rowing Team at Beijing. He won gold at the 2002, 2005 and 2007 World Rowing Championships in the same event.


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