Canadian Consulting Engineer

Federal and B.C. governments say Vancouver Convention Centre expansion is top priority

December 24, 2002
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Plans to expand Vancouver's Convention Centre inched further along in December. The federal and provincial governme...

Plans to expand Vancouver’s Convention Centre inched further along in December. The federal and provincial governments confirmed their financial support for the $495 million project, and said an agreement would be signed in the next six months.
In making the joint announcement, Prime Minister Jean Chretien said: “The Governments of Canada and British Columbia have agreed that the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre is their top joint infrastructure priority in the province…. This project will have positive impacts on tourism and the local economy, but will also contribute to the long term economic growth of British Columbia.”
The project has been discussed and planned for years, but only the expansion of the ferry docks has so far taken place. The plans called for the renovation of the existing Canada Place, built during the 1970s as a signature mark on the Vancouver waterfront with its sail-like roof, as well as the construction of new facilities on the Burrard Landing site to the west.
The tourism sector is to contribute $90 million to the project, and the federal and provincial governments will contribute the remainder of the funds. The federal contribution is being made through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund.


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