Canadian Consulting Engineer

From cars to boats – Oshawa’s future?

May 28, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

A city feeling the crunch of the automobile market downturn is now being earmarked as a site for port development. ...

A city feeling the crunch of the automobile market downturn is now being earmarked as a site for port development. Transport and Infrastructure Minister John Baird is proposing that the federal government will create a Canada Port Authority to operate the port. Currently the port is operated by the Oshawa Harbour Commission, which is the only remaining harbour commission in Canada.

Baird has sent letters to the city of Oshawa and the Oshawa Harbour Commission proposing a strategy to resolve land issues, to look at options to build a marina, and to work towards a vision for the harbour. It is located at the eastern edge of the Greater Toronto Area and currently serves industries with specialized needs that depend on water transportation.

An earlier report by David Crombie, P.C., OC. had made recommendations on the future of the port.



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