Canadian Consulting Engineer

Governments spend on tourism infrastructure

April 23, 2002
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Two cultural-recreational projects got the go-ahead last week under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure program.

Two cultural-recreational projects got the go-ahead last week under the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure program.
The projects involve a tripartite investment by the Government of Canada, Ontario SuperBuild and the municipalities.
The town of Fort Erie is to have a new $15 million museum celebrating aboriginal culture and trading in the area. The Adventures in Archeology and Civilization Museum will be located adjacent to the Canadian Peace Bridge Plaza and will focus on the site’s 4,000-year-old flint quarry, workshop, living area and cemetery. The museum is expected to be completed in 2005 and attract 185,000 visitors per year.
In Muskoka (“cottage country” for Torontonians) the town of Gravenhurst is to have major waterfront and other recreational improvements made by July 2003. The $25 million development includes buildings, boardwalks, piers, new stores and restaurants. It will have a heritage theme and include the RMS Segwun tour boat. Boardwalks will link the heritage sites to the waterfront and the Trans Canada Trail.


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