Canadian Consulting Engineer

Hamilton Associates of Vancouver joins Opus

January 10, 2006
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Vancouver based engineering consultants Hamilton Associates has merged with Opus International Consultants, a large...

Vancouver based engineering consultants Hamilton Associates has merged with Opus International Consultants, a large New Zealand based consulting firm.<br>
Hamilton Associates has 20 employees in four centres — Vancouver, Kelowna, Calgary and Detroit. It specializes in transportation and road safety engineering for the public and private sectors. Its major clients include the B.C. Ministry of Transportation, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority and the Insurance Corporation of B.C. <br>
Opus is a large international consulting firm that originated in New Zealand and also operates in Australia and the U.K. It has over 1,700 staff worldwide, including existing offices in Victoria, Ottawa and Fredericton. It operates in civil engineering, building design, water and environmental management and transpiration asset management.<br>
The company will be renamed Opus Hamilton, with Mr. Sany Zein as President.<br>


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