Canadian Consulting Engineer

New Fraser River Crossing in Langley, B.C. moves ahead

November 28, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority is expecting responses to its request for qualifications for the new...

The Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority is expecting responses to its request for qualifications for the new Fraser River Crossing in the next few weeks.
The bridge is to provide a new link between Surrey and Langley on the south side of the river, and Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows on the north.
Expected to open late in 2007, the bridge is planned as an electronic toll crossing that will reduce travel times in the region by 20 to 30 minutes.
The project was introduced to the public through a series of open houses in early 2002, and more than 1,200 people provided input. Plans for the bridge are currently undergoing review by the BC Environmental Assessment Office, with approval expected by spring 2004. Around the same time, the authority is expecting to have a shortlist of design-builders to do the project.
A number of consulting firms have been involved in engineering and traffic studies for the client to bring the project to this stage. The firms include Associated Engineering, Collings Johnston, Delcan Corporation, Hamilton Associates, TSi Consultants, Hatfield Group, and Steer Davies Gleave of the U.K.


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