Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario considers sprinklers for high-rise condos — at last!

February 28, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The McGuinty government of Ontario is considering introducing changes to the Building Code to require fire sprinkle...

The McGuinty government of Ontario is considering introducing changes to the Building Code to require fire sprinklers in newly constructed highrise condominiums.
For a long time fire specialists have been saying that the requirement should be part of the Ontario code. They are a requirement in the National Building Code of Canada for high-rise residences, but not in Ontario. Some blame Ontario’s omission on lobbying back in the 1990s by construction companies who were unwilling to pay the extra cost to install sprinklers.
The proposed changes to the Ontario Code would apply to new multiple-unit residential buildings higher than three storeys.
A public consultation paper is on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing of Ontario’s website. Comments can be submitted until May 1. There will also be public information sessions in late March and early April.
Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, noted that there were 103 deaths in multi-unit residential buildings over three storeys between 1997 and 2006 in Ontario.


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