Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario’s building code goes green

July 4, 2006
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario has released a new building code. It includes 700 technical changes, as well as being written in an objecti...

Ontario has released a new building code. It includes 700 technical changes, as well as being written in an objective-based format to match the National Building Code of Canada.
What’s causing more of a stir in the national press, however, is the fact that the code includes measures to increase energy efficiency. The regulation (O.Reg. 349/06) filed on June 28, 2006 includes provisions to promote the use of green technologies.
Most of the new code will come into force on December 31, 2006. However, some changes related to energy efficiency will be phased in through 2011, while others took effect immediately.
O.Reg. 349/06 also includes provisions create more flexibility in the construction of small care homes.


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