Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario spending $50 million on rehabilitating Great Lakes

April 12, 2002
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Ontario government announced this week that it will be committing $50 million over five years for the rehabilit...

The Ontario government announced this week that it will be committing $50 million over five years for the rehabilitation of the Great Lakes. The program is partly financed by the SuperBuild initiative.
The new funding is intended to fund new projects in line with the forthcoming Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. This agreement, which is expected to be completed this year, will outline how the two governments will work together to restore, protect and conserve the lakes’ ecosystems.
Queen’s Park will also add $2.7 million to the $5 million seed money it put up in 1998 to establish the Ontario Great Lakes Renewal Foundation. The foundation works to find funding partnerships to rehabilitate shorelines, clean up contaminated sediments, prevent pollution, reduce organic and rural run-off, and promote water conservation.


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