Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec consulting engineers win Vietnam contract

September 24, 2004
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

S.M. Group International (SMI), a Quebec consulting engineering firm, has been awarded a contract by the World Bank...

S.M. Group International (SMI), a Quebec consulting engineering firm, has been awarded a contract by the World Bank to do work in Vietnam.
The company will be working with Hydro-Quebec to develop a $500,000 preliminary plan to help the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development manage the country’s water and hydraulic systems. The plan is intended to relieve the impact of recurring natural disasters in coming years.
SM and Hydro-Quebec have already conducted a feasibility study for a dam safety program for the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Vietnam and the World Bank want to better understand the country’s water systems and dams in order to avoid catastrophes. The cost of implementing a program to avert floods and natural disasters could approach $150 million.
S.M. Group has offices in Montreal and six other Quebec cities. Worldwide it employs 550 people and operates in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe. It has recently completed studies in China for dam safety, territory planning, water metering and computer management of water quality.


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