Canadian Consulting Engineer

WSP joins FNMPC’s sustaining partner program

May 14, 2024


Logo courtesy FNMPC.

WSP has joined the First Nations Major Projects Coalition’s (FNMPC’s) ‘sustaining partner’ program, following the example of its fellow consulting engineering firms Arcadis, COWI and Kiewit.

FNMPC is a national non-profit collective group of more than 160 First Nations communities, with membership comprising elected councils, hereditary chiefs, tribal councils and development corporations. In addition to advancing shared interests, members gain equity positions in major projects taking place in their territories, when appropriate.

The sustaining partner program helps FNMPC advance relationships between its members and the private sector on issues of mutual interest.

“By working together with a select group of private-sector companies, we know we can develop major projects that create long-lasting economic, social and environmental benefits for Indigenous communities across the country,” explains Fort Nelson First Nation Chief Sharleen Gale, chair of FNMPC’s board.


For its part, WSP will benefit from the exclusivity of such a relationship with respect to progressive Indigenous business initiatives.

“WSP is committed to support major projects that respect the needs, traditions and values of Indigenous communities,” says Marie-Claude Dumas, president and CEO of WSP in Canada. “Our involvement with the FNMPC’s sustaining partners program is the next step in continuing the reconciliation journey by respecting the need for collaboration at the earliest stages of project development.”


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