Canadian Consulting Engineer

Engineers support Northern Gateway Pipeline

June 24, 2014
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of Alberta has issued a statement supporting the federal government's decision to approve the Northern Gateway Pipeline. The association says it is confident that Enbridge will meet the 209 conditions of the approval.

Consulting Engineers of Alberta has issued a statement supporting the federal government’s decision to approve the Northern Gateway Pipeline. The association says it is confident that Enbridge will meet the 209 conditions of the approval.

In a press release dated June 19, Matt Brassard, P.Eng., president of CEA, said, “We look at the project from an engineering point of view. Many of the conditions imposed by the National Energy Board relate to issues that will be resolved by engineers. Designing a pipeline and related infrastructure are typical of the tasks engineers address every day during their careers.”

He continued, “Overcoming the design challenges to protect British Columbia’s and Alberta’s pristine wilderness will not be easy but it will be done. We applaud Enbridge’s committment to excellence in engineering design and innovation and know that Canada’s engineering profession will exceed expectations.”

On June 17 the Honourable Greg Rickford, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, announced that the government would accept the independent Joint Review Panel’s December 2013 decision that the proposed two-parallel pipelines between Bruderheim, Alberta and Kitimat on B.C.’s northern coast would be “in the public interest.” The approval is, however, subject to 209 issues being met by the proponent, Enbridge.

The Northern Gateway proposal was submitted by Northern Gateway Pipelines Limited Partnership to the National Energy Board for an environmental assessment and regulatory examination in 2010.

The panel had feedback from 1,450 participants in 21 different communities, reviewing over 175,000 pages of evidence and receiving 9,000 letters of comment.


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