Canadian Consulting Engineer

Enhancing Rail Service in Saskatchewan

August 12, 2019

Feds investing some $12.4M to relieve congestion along transport routes in the province.

The federal government has announced an investment of $12.4 million for two projects within Saskatchewan that will enhance rail capacity, reduce bottlenecks and increase access to two railways.

Atrack upgrade of the Great Sandhills Railway short line running from Burstall, Saskatchewan to the Canadian Pacific Railway mainline outside Swift Current improve the movement of goods to port for export, and also accommodate future growth in Southern Saskatchewan. The capacity on the short line railway will increase to once a day from twice a week, and blockage time on Canadian Pacific Railway’s busy mainline will also be reduced.

Canada’s short line railways provide first-mile/last-mile service to customers not served directly by Class I railways. By moving traffic to and from the main lines, where they can access long-haul rail carriers, they help local manufacturing and resource sectors reach world markets.

There are over 50 short line railways across Canada, transporting $20.3 billion worth of freight to and from continental rail networks each year.

The second project receiving funding will reduce congestion on tracks along the Edmonton corridor (between Saskatoon and Edmonton) by constructing three loop tracks as well as a repair shop at North West Terminal outside Unity, Saskatchewan (about 200km west of Saskatoon).

This work will increase rail traffic volumes, improve flow and improve the performance of the transportation network in the area by offering efficient access to both Canadian National and Canadian Pacific mainline tracks.


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