Canadian Consulting Engineer

Essential construction projects reopen in Ontario

May 4, 2020

Ontario trillium

Photo credit: Government of Ontario.

As of today, Ontario’s government is allowing certain workplaces and businesses—including construction projects—to reopen, as long as they comply with strict public health measures and operate safely during the COVID-19 crisis.

The additional construction projects that may now proceed include those relating to shipping, logistics, the improved delivery of goods and services, broadband, telecommunications and digital infrastructure, municipal functions, colleges, universities, child-care centres, schools and site preparation, excavation and servicing for institutional, commercial, industrial and residential developments.

The government, in partnership with health and safety associations, has taken a sector-specific approach in response to COVID-19 and developed more than 60 guidelines to help employers ensure workplace health and safety. A steady reduction in numbers of infection cases will be required before the next stage of reopening.

“We are allowing certain businesses to reopen because we are confident they can operate safely and adapt to the current environment,” says Doug Ford, Ontario’s premier. “While further reductions in the spread are needed before we can begin reopening the province, we have the right framework and workplace guidelines in place to do so gradually and safely.”


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