Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC-BC: City of Vancouver Mixer

November 24, 2016
Holiday Inn, Vancouver - Centre: 711 West Broadway (@ Heather Street), Vancouver, BC V5Z 3Y2 Canada

Learn what capital projects and technical design opportunities the City of Vancouver is proposing for 2017 with guest speakers:

Megan Pate, EIT – Utilities Design Lead, Northeast False Creek Project Office

Topic: Engineering’s Design and Construction Standard Update
The COV Engineering Department has recently committed to a number of new initiatives including implementing an Organization Quality Management program, a Project Management Framework and a consolidation and update of design and construction standards. A design manual and supplemental construction specifications and detail drawings (for the MMCD Platinum Book) manual will be available in early 2017 for internal and consultant use.

Devan Fitch, P.Eng. – Manager, Project Delivery Branch

Topic: Northeast False Creek and the Viaducts Replacement Project
In 2015, City Council chose to move forward with a plan to replace the viaducts with a new street network that will better serve the future area. Already a hub of events, culture, and sports, Northeast False Creek (NEFC) is the last major undeveloped area in downtown Vancouver. It has required significant input from external consultants to respond to the variety of engineering challenges within the project area, including structural, transportation, and environmental.

Melina Schofield, P.Eng. – Manager, Green Infrastructure Implementation Branch

Topic: Green Infrastructure & Integrated Rainwater Management
As the City of Vancouver continues its’ push to be the Greenest City by 2020, it has adopted many new policies and best practice guidelines for how we build our City. Most recently, Engineering Services has introduced a dedicated branch to help inform how we design sustainable and resilient infrastructure within our public right of ways, as well as private development. The Integrated Rainwater Management Plan is a major focus of this Green Infrastructure team and has set some ambitious targets for how the City will capture, treat and infiltrate rainwater that falls in Vancouver.

Following the presentation will be a social mixer.

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