Canadian Consulting Engineer


Buildings XVI Conference

December 08 - December 11, 2025
Clearwater Beach, Fla. Show map

ASHRAE is accepting abstracts on thermal performance of exterior envelopes, for the 2025 Buildings XVI International Conference, which it is co-organizing with Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

“This conference takes place every three years, allowing time to develop new research and technology applications and to document findings,” explains André Desjarlais, conference chairperson. “It’s a great opportunity for product manufacturers, research groups, technical advisors, builders, designers and consultants to discuss their work achievements, interest and awareness of buildings issues and solutions to major problems.”

The conference steering committee is seeking residential and commercial application-focused abstracts on the development of high-impact technologies and processes that are cost-effective and will reduce energy use and environmental consequences.

The conference includes three tracks focused on Principles (research and development), Practices (applications and case studies) and Residential Buildings. A full list of suggested paper topics can be viewed on the conference webpage.


Abstract submissions are due by Sept. 20, 2024. If accepted, papers will be due Apr. 1, 2025.

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