Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC Co-Hosts Engineering Summit 2009

May 1, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

From May 19-21, ACEC, in collaboration with Engineers Canada and a range of other engineering stakeholders, will host the National Engineering Summit in Montreal, Quebec. The theme of the Summit is "L...

From May 19-21, ACEC, in collaboration with Engineers Canada and a range of other engineering stakeholders, will host the National Engineering Summit in Montreal, Quebec. The theme of the Summit is “Leading a Canadian Future: The New Engineer in Society,” and is expected to attract participants from the health, environment, infrastructure, industrial, and academia sectors.

The stated goal of the Summit is to “define a vision for the future that will inspire a vibrant engineering community to make dedicated contributions towards a superior quality of life and improved societal development in Canada.” Presenters will focus on five key themes, including health; environment; safety and security; competitiveness in a global economy, and quality of life. The Summit is expected to develop and issue a final declaration that will help to chart the future of the engineering sector for years to come.

A complete program, registration and accommodation information, and information on speakers are all available on the Summit website at is open to all. ACEC encourages you to attend and make your voice heard on the future of the profession and the industry!


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