Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC does business on the Internet

August 1, 1999
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Purchases of ACEC publications and contract documents can be made online via ACEC's secure transaction server. ACEC's new E-Shoppe aims to expedite the process of obtaining business documents and ma...

Purchases of ACEC publications and contract documents can be made online via ACEC’s secure transaction server. ACEC’s new E-Shoppe aims to expedite the process of obtaining business documents and management tools, effectively offering a “one-stop” shopping experience to members, clients and other interested users. Gone are the days of faxed order forms and pre-payment for non-members!

Items for sale include all ACEC standard contract documents and management tools, FIDIC documents, human resource development materials and the ACEC Directory of Members in both hard copy and CD-ROM formats.

Orders are processed “live” and shipped by mail or courier, even on the same day, according to the customer’s wishes. Clear instructions and simple product descriptions make the procedure a pleasant and hassle-free experience.

Visit the ACEC Web site at and look for the E-Shoppe buttons.


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