Canadian Consulting Engineer

In Praise Of Outsourcing — 50 Years Ago

May 1, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

"In the 10-year period 1948-58, Canada's population increased 35%; the gross national product increased 110%; the number of registered professional engineers increased 176%, and the best estimate we h...

“In the 10-year period 1948-58, Canada’s population increased 35%; the gross national product increased 110%; the number of registered professional engineers increased 176%, and the best estimate we have of the increase of those engaged in consulting engineering is 225%.

“What are the reasons for the marked increase, demand for and acceptance of this service?

“Many factors are involved, but surely one of the most plausible is that having the engineering work done by a consultant has been found to be more satisfactory than the alternative.” — Editorial, Canadian Consulting Engineer, November 1959.


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