Canadian Consulting Engineer


October 1, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Damian Albanese, P. Eng. is Director of the Transportation Division, Environment, Transportation and Planning Services, with the Region of Peel in Ontario. He graduated from the University of Toronto ...

Damian Albanese, P. Eng. is Director of the Transportation Division, Environment, Transportation and Planning Services, with the Region of Peel in Ontario. He graduated from the University of Toronto in civil engineering in 1973. He was chair of the Ontario Provincial Standards Joint Committeee from 1995 to 2001. Mr. Albanese was also a juror last year.

JoAnne Butler is Vice President, Electricity Resources, for the Ontario Power Authority in Toronto. Previously she was president of TransAlta Mexico, and prior to that was TransAlta’s general manager for western operations in Calgary, responsible for operating four new generating stations. She has also worked extensively in the oil and gas sector. She holds a degree in civil engineering from Queen’s University, Ontario.

Michel F. Couturier, P. Eng. is Acting Dean for the Faculty of Engineering at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton and also a professor in the Chemical Engineering Department.

He is a member of the selection committee for the Chairs in Design Engineering, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). He graduated in chemical engineering from Queen’s University and his areas of technical expertise include wastewater treatment, reaction engineering, process control, heat transfer and fluidization.

Brian E. Denney, P. Eng. is Chief Administrative Officer at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, based in Toronto. Since taking over the role in 2003, he has advanced the work of the TRCA in support of sustainable communities, healthy watersheds and regional biodiversity.

In 2008 he received the Green Building Advocate Award from the Canada Green Building Council and a Lifetime Achievement Award from Sustainable Buildings Canada. He has an engineering degree in water resources from the University of Guelph, Ontario.

Monique Frize, P. Eng. is a professor in Carleton University’s Department of Systems and Computer Engineering and in the University of Ottawa’s School of Information Technology and Engineering.

She worked as a biomedical engineer for 18 years and has published over 200 papers on the fields of artificial intelligence in medicine, infrared medical imaging, ethics, and women in engineering and science.

She graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Ottawa, has a doctorate from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and five honorary degrees from Canadian universities.

Dr. Frize became an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1993.

Anne-Marie Leclerc, ing. is Assistant Deputy Minister for the Direction gnrale des infrastructure et des technologies at the Qubec Ministry of Transport, where she is also coordinator of emergency measures. She has been with the Ministry since 1985.

A graduate in civil engineering from Laval University, Ms. Leclerc is currently president of the World Road Association. She is also a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, which presented her with the Sandford Fleming Award in 2008.

Mike Reinders, P. Eng., is President and Chief Operating Officer of Maple Reinders Group, in Mississauga, Ontario. The company is active across Canada in design-build, general contract and environmen tal infrastructure projects.

He graduated from the University of Waterloo in civil engineering and is a director on the Board of the Ontario General Contractors Association.

Claude B. Robert is Chief Engineering, Design and Construction, at the National Capital Commission in Ottawa. Previously, Mr. Robert worked in the oil refinery business on mechanical and environmental engineering projects. He also managed construction on hydro-electric and mining projects in Northern Quebec and Labrador.

He has taught project management at McGill University Faculty of Engineering, and is a past-president of the Montreal Chapter of the Project Management Institute.

He graduated in civil engineering from Concordia University.


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