Canadian Consulting Engineer

Learning, Networking and Excitement on the Menu

July 1, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

FIDIC 2008: Quebec City, September 7-10, 2008

FIDIC 2008: Quebec City, September 7-10, 2008

A strong industry serving society

FIDIC 2008 Quebec will challenge consulting engineers to build a strong industry that can serve society better. The focus will be on the role of engineers in influencing decision-makers and opinion-leaders and delivering quality to meet effectively global needs. Speakers from around the world will lead discussions on the future of consulting engineering from both the client and industry perspective.

Celebration in the air in Quebec City

With Quebec City celebrating its 400th Anniversary, the conference will offer an exciting social program providing exceptional opportunities for delegates to network while enjoying

the sites of Quebec City and such events as receptions, gala dinners, cocktail cruises and enticing entertainment, including “A Night of Circus Magic” in the very province that gave birth to the Cirque du Soleil.

For details on conference registration, visit


Plenary Sessions

The program of the FIDIC 2008 conference is based on a central theme, “A strong industry serving society.” During the plenary sessions to be held each day, three sub-themes will be explored:

• Influencing society -Monday morning plenary

• Delivering quality -Tuesday morning plenary

• Building strong organizations -Wednesday morning plenary

• A strong industry serving society -Wednesday afternoon closing “plenary Speakers representing society at large, clients and industry leaders will propose goals and strategies to meet society’s needs while ensuring that consulting engineering further develops into a strong and viable industry, one that promotes innovation and optimizes quality and sustainability.

Building on the three sub-themes, a closing plenary on Wednesday afternoon will revisit “A strong industry serving society” and identify clear goals and actions for the industry.

Sunday, 7 September

09.00 Registration, Fairmont Le Chteau Frontenac

14.00 Day Tours, leave from conference hotel

19.00 Welcome Reception, Chteau Frontenac

Monday, 8 September

Day’s Theme: Influencing Society 09.00 Opening Ceremony, Palais Montcalm

10.00 Plenary Session, Palais Montcalm

10.00 Day Tours, leave from Chteau Frontenac

14.00 Concurrent Sessions and Workshops, Chteau Frontenac

19.00 Local Colour Night, Cocktail Cruise and Dine-around

Tuesday, 9 September

All sessions at Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel

Day’s Theme: Delivering Quality

09.00 Plenary Session -Panel of Clients

10.30 Concurrent Sessions and Workshops

12.00 Day Tours, leave from conference hotel

13.30 Concurrent Sessions and Workshops

Wednesday, 10 September

All sessions at Fairmont Le Chteau Frontenac Hotel

Day’s Theme: Building Strong


09.00 Plenary Session -Panel of Industry Leaders

09.00 Day Tours, leave from Chteau Frontenac

10.30 Regional Seminars

14.00 Closing Plenary -Reports from Workshops

15.30 FIDIC General Assembly 20.00 Gala Dinner -“Circus Magic”

Thursday, 11 September

09.00 Post-Conference Tours Organized by FIDIC 2008 Conference Leave from conference hotel


Following the morning plenary sessions, a series of concurrent sessions, seminars and workshops will be held on the following topics:

• Sustainable development

• The economy and the environment

• Managing growth and profitability • Business integrity management

• Construction industry trends

• The role of development banks

• P3s and the infrastructure challenge

• The economics of good business

• Quality-based selection or best practice for selecting consulting engineers • The world-wide recruitment


• Best practices in engineering

• Liability and risk management

• The contribution of young professionals

• Conditions of contracts

• Effective government relations


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