Canadian Consulting Engineer

Multilingual Y2K resource for consulting engineers

August 1, 1999
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Key elements of ACEC's successful 1998 seminar series for consulting engineers on Y2K have been collected for production into downloadable formats. With financial assistance from Industry Canada, ACEC...

Key elements of ACEC’s successful 1998 seminar series for consulting engineers on Y2K have been collected for production into downloadable formats. With financial assistance from Industry Canada, ACEC has produced a Y2K handbook, which is available free of charge in English, French and Spanish.

Given the importance of the Y2K issue in terms of liability and accountability towards clients and partners, among other players, ACEC developed its Y2K resource in collaboration with ENCON Insurance Managers and Carolyn Swadron, Year 2000 Consultant with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

Given also the far-reaching relationships between many member firms and their peers across North and South America, ACEC has produced a Spanish version of the document so that our Latin American counterparts can take advantage of ACEC information on Y2K currently available to Canadian consulting engineers. This, along with a Spanish version of the ACEC web site, will enhance members’ dealings with Latin American entities by leveling the playing field as it relates to Y2K liability and other key business issues.

For information on the handbook, visit the Business Development page at or go directly to the Y2K page.


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