Canadian Consulting Engineer

One-Stop Shopping for Energy Reduction Grants

January 1, 2004
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

You may recall that following months of lobbying on the part of ACEC and our partners, the federal government announced in August 2003 that $129 million would be allocated to existing incentive progra...

You may recall that following months of lobbying on the part of ACEC and our partners, the federal government announced in August 2003 that $129 million would be allocated to existing incentive programs designed to encourage commercial building owners to energy retrofit their properties. This was part of the federal government’s strategy to meet its targets under the Kyoto Climate Change Accord. Natural Resources Canada has now set up a website that lists the range of federal programs available under the Office of Energy Efficiency, and pinpoints how various commercial structures can qualify for rebates or grants on new or existing buildings, provided they reduce their overall energy consumption.

If you or your clients would like more information on these programs, and to determine whether your project could potentially qualify for an incentive grant, visit the following website, and click on the government program that corresponds to your particular project:

There is also information on workshops, and calculators that will help you better understand the lifecycle cost savings associated with lower energy use.


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