Canadian Consulting Engineer

Relations between ACEC Canada-ACEC U.S. Continue to Strengthen

December 1, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

It was my great honour to be invited to attend the American Council of Engineering Companies' October 2003 Fall Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. There was an opportunity to both meet with their Executi...

It was my great honour to be invited to attend the American Council of Engineering Companies’ October 2003 Fall Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. There was an opportunity to both meet with their Executive Committee, and to make a presentation to the full Board of Directors meeting. We are working to strengthen and develop the relationship between our two organizations.

With the soft economy, ACEC-US has found pressures on funding that are resulting in less outsourcing to the private sector. At the gala dinner, Congressman Jack Brooks was honoured with the 2003 Distinguished Award of Merit in recognition of his efforts to have the Brooks Act for QBS (quality-based selection) passed by Congress in 1972. This law mandates a QBS approach for federal construction projects. As well, Hawaii recently became the 44th State in the Union to pass a QBS law.

We also had the opportunity to meet with ACEC-US and a representative of the Mexico engineering community, and had discussions relative to potential business opportunities on infrastructure projects for our member firms. The opportunities are significant, and there is a genuine desire by Mexico to have Canadian and American firms involved.

I encourage our members to go to the ACEC-US web site at In particular, there are a number of excellent publications that you will find interesting and helpful.

Closer to home, we made a strong presentation to the House of Commons Finance Committee on the issues of sustained infrastructure funding and CIDA support.

At the end of October, Winnipeg hosted the highly successful 2003 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards for almost 200 guests from across Canada. In addition to honouring member firms and their exciting projects, the Canadian Military Engineers were honoured for 100 years of service to Canada.

In closing, all of us at ACEC wish you and yours the very best for the Holiday Season and for a prosperous New Year.




Les relations entre l’AICC et ACEC U.S. de plus en plus fortes

Au mois d’octobre, j’ai eu le grand honneur d’avoir t invit la confrence d’automne de l’American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC-US) Phoenix, Arizona. J’ai eu l’occasion d’y rencontrer le comit excutif de l’ACEC-US et de donner une prsentation son conseil d’administration. Nous travaillons au renforcement et au dveloppement des relations entre nos deux organisations.

Dans le contexte conomique indcis, l’ACEC-US constate une diminution de l’impartition au secteur priv. Lors de la soire de gala, le congressiste Jack Brooks a t honor avec le Prix de mrite distingu 2003 en reconnaissance de ses efforts qui ont men l’adoption, en 1972, de la loi sur la slection base sur les comptences (SBC). Cette loi stipule que les projets de construction du gouvernement fdral doivent tre soumis au processus SBC. Hawaii est rcemment devenu le 44e tat adopter une loi sur la SBC.

Nous avons galement eu l’occasion de rencontrer un reprsentant de la communaut mexicaine du gnie et de discuter de possibilits de projets d’infrastructure pour nos firmes membres. Ces possibilits sont importantes et il y a un rel dsir de la part du Mexique de travailler avec des firmes canadiennes et amricaines.

J’encourage nos membres visiter le site de l’ACEC-US Vous y trouverez entre autres plusieurs excellentes publications la fois intressantes et utiles.

Sur la scne nationale, nous nous sommes prsents devant le Comit permanent des finances de la Chambre des communes pour nous prononcer en faveur d’un financement soutenu pour l’infrastructure et le soutien de l’ACDI.

la fin octobre, Winnipeg a accueilli le gala des Prix canadiens du gnie-conseil 2003, un vnement trs russi auquel ont particip plus de 200 invits de tous les coins du Canada. En plus de clbrer l’excellence des projets raliss par les firmes membres, le gala fut l’occasion d’honorer les ingnieurs militaires canadiens pour 100 ans de service au Canada.

Pour terminer, toute l’quipe de l’AICC vous souhaite ses meilleurs vux pour la saison des Ftes ainsi qu’une nouvelle anne des plus prospres.




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