Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Virtual Trade Commissioner

March 1, 2004
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

On-line information and assistance in international markets...

On-line information and assistance in international markets

From advice on resolving critical business challenges in South America, to help assessing your European market potential from someone who has hands-on experience and a network of contacts in Germany, Canada’s Virtual Trade Commissioner is equipped to help you.

Canada has a team of more than 500 trade commissioners located in 140 cities around the world. To become a client of the Canadian Trade Commissioner, simply visit and register for your own Virtual Trade Commissioner — a free, personalized, password-protected web page containing market information and business leads that match your company’s identified international business interests. The Virtual Trade Commissioner provides instant on-line access to market research reports, business leads, news and events that match your specific interests. You can also request any of the six core services, be informed of new developments related to the consulting engineering industry in your target markets, and make information about your company available to the trade commissioners abroad.

For assistance in researching and selecting a target market, contact Team Canada at 1-888-811-1119 or visit


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