Canadian Consulting Engineer

Federal committee asks for input on viruses in drinking water

July 8, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Drinking Water is asking for public comment on material to be inclu...

The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Drinking Water is asking for public comment on material to be included in guidelines related to viruses in drinking water. The committee is part of Health Canada and for the past three years has been assessing information on waterborne viruses with the intent of establishing a guideline for viruses in drinking water. It is now asking for input both on the supporting documentation to the draft guideline, and on the approach and potential costs of implementing it. Consulting engineering firms involved in the water resources industry should let their views be known.
The document is posted at The comment period ends November 17, 2003.
The committee is suggesting that interested parties might review the document according to the following questions.
Do the water quality monitoring data accurately reflect the current situation in Canada? Are additional water quality data available?
Are there additional analytical methods available for detecting viruses? Are there other direct or indirect indicators for the presence of viruses in water? What is the best choice of indicator from those identified?
Is the information on currently available treatment technology for the removal of viruses during the drinking water treatment process accurate and complete?
Is the risk assessment valid? Are there other relevant studies that should be included in the supporting document?
Are there other waterborne viruses that may possibly be a public health concern?
Does the proposed log reduction adequately protect public health?
Are there any additional concerns regarding viruses in drinking water that have not been addressed, or have been inadequately addressed in this document?
Do we need further discussion on acceptable microbial risk from drinking water (i.e., 1 infection per 10,000 persons per year)?


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