Canadian Consulting Engineer

Feds introduce natural infrastructure fund

June 28, 2021

The fund will support large and small projects across the country.

Ravine access

Screenshots from Toronto Ravine Strategy video.

On June 25, Infrastructure Canada announced a new, first-of-its-kind $200-million natural infrastructure fund, part of its 2021 budget.

Under the program—announced by minister of infrastructure and communities Catherine McKenna, accompanied by Toronto mayor John Tory—the federal government plans to invest up to $120 million in large, natural infrastructure projects to improve access to parks, waterfronts and green space across Canada and better adapt to the effects of climate change.

“Canadians know the positive impact nature can have on our physical and mental well-being, but not all communities have access to local green space,” McKenna said. “Through this investment, we’re building cleaner, more inclusive communities.”

As part of the fund’s large project stream, select major cities will be invited to apply for funding up to $20 million to support innovative natural infrastructure strategies. Examples will include Toronto’s strategy to protect, manage and enhance more than 300 km of ravines.

An additional stream will allow municipalities to submit smaller projects for review. A minimum of 10% of the overall program funding will be allocated to Indigenous recipients.

Toronto ravine

Funding recipients will include Toronto’s ravine strategy.


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