Canadian Consulting Engineer

First CSA standard for building commissioning due this month

February 28, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

A Canadian Standards Association (CSA) technical committee is finalizing the first edition of a national standard on building commissioning.

A Canadian Standards Association (CSA) technical committee is finalizing the first edition of a national standard on building commissioning.

The standard CSA Z320 is scheduled for publication in March. According to the latest issue of Natural Resources Canada’s  Heads Up Energy Efficiency Newsletter, the new CSA standard will provide, ” a comprehensive process for validating and documenting the optimal performance of a completed building and its systems; it will apply to new construction and renovations to exiting buildings.”

Besides architectural and control systems, Standard CSA Z320 includes mechanical, electrical, vertical and horizontal transportation sub-systems.

NRCan’s Office of Energy Efficiency is funding the development of a web-based, interactive version of the standard.


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