Canadian Consulting Engineer

First “Licensed Engineering Technologist” title granted in Ontario

May 25, 2016

First person to receive the LET designation is from LRI Engineering consultants.

Lisa Miller.

Lisa Miller.

Professional Engineers Ontario issued its first Licensed Engineering Technologist (LET) designation in early May.

The LET designation is a new class of limited licence that became effective on July 1, 2015. Certified Engineering Technologists (CETs) who are licensed with OACETT (the Ontario Association of Certified engineering Technicians and Technologists) can apply to PEO for the LET designation. If approved they can perform professional engineering work within a defined scope of practice.

The first person to receive the LET designation was Lisa Miller, C.E.T, LET, of Toronto. She is a senior associate at LRI Engineering, a Toronto-based firm that specializes in fire protection and code consulting. She graduated from Conestoga College’s architectural construction program in 2003 and has been an OACETT member for 12 years.

OACETT President Bob van den Berg, C.E.T., said: “After a decades-long process of collaboration between our two organizations, I’m delighted to see PEO award the first LET limited licence to an OACETT member. The licence opens promising new pathways toward professional advancement for qualified certified engineering technologists, allowing them to broaden their skill set while contributing more significantly to their workplace and to Ontario’s economy.”

PEO President George Comrie, P.Eng., said: “The LET class of limited licence serves to embrace and strengthen this team through fair, but demanding, licensing requirements that are consistent with our mandate of regulating and advancing the practice of engineering to protect the public interest.”


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