Canadian Consulting Engineer

Flood resilience investment in Edmonton

March 12, 2019

Over $53 million in federal funding committed for several flood mitigation projects in Edmonton including the building of new dry ponds.

The federal government has announced over $53 million in funding for several flood mitigation projects in Edmonton including the building of new dry ponds and upgrades to water treatment plants and water flow structures..

Work will be carried out at the Rossdale and E.L. Smith water treatment plants to relocate electrical assets and prevent backflow in the pipes that discharge into the North Saskatchewan River, protecting drinking water. New embankments will also be built on the water treatment plant properties to reduce on-site flooding.

And improvements and upgrades to outfall structures that release storm water into the river to help control heavy water flow will be done.

The Government of Canada is contributing $53,766,000 to this project through the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund.

“EPCOR is focused on building up Edmonton’s resilience to future flooding, and mitigating the impacts of climate change and severe weather,” said Stuart Lee, president/CEO, EPCOR Utilities, in a media release. “This investment by the Government of Canada supports our work and the critical water infrastructure we operate.”


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