Canadian Consulting Engineer

FMIS partners with AECOM to create engineering ‘energy hub’

March 4, 2022

The partnership aims to achieve GHG reductions through carbon capture, use and sequestration.

FMIS and AECOM logos

Fort McKay Industrial Solutions (FMIS), a division of the McKay Métis Group (MMG), has entered a partnership with infrastructure consulting firm AECOM to create an ‘energy hub’ for engineering, environment and water solutions in Northern Alberta.

The partnership combines AECOM’s energy, water, environmental and program/project management expertise with FMIS’s complimentary expertise in contract management, business engagement services and the supply of chemicals and industrial materials. The agreement aims to add value to oil sands operations and contribute to economic development in Northern Alberta, specifically for the Fort McKay Métis Nation, by advancing greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions through carbon capture, use and sequestration.

“This partnership moves us in the direction the oil sands are moving, toward world-class expertise in engineering, environment and water solutions,” says MMG CEO Crystal Young. “This is an example of what can be achieved when businesses and communities work together.”

“AECOM is committed to progressing our Reconciliation Action Plan in Canada, says AECOM vice-president (VP) of business development Mark van der Woerd. “Partnering with FMIS is an important step to strengthen our efforts and drive forward our goals.”

“Our goal is to improve our service offerings and be one of the most successful Indigenous businesses in North America,” says FMIS chief operating officer (COO) Volkan Celik.

Both AECOM and FMIS are members of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Businesses (CCAB). FMIS is a community-owned and certified Aboriginal business, while AECOM is a progressive Aboriginal relations committed company.


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