Canadian Consulting Engineer

FNX-Innov designs youth club for Saint-Constant

May 18, 2023

It was inaugurated in March.

Saint-Constant youth club

Photo courtesy FNX-Innov.

Consulting engineering firm FNX-Innov’s urban planning team designed, planned, specified and supervised the construction of Quebec’s newly opened Saint-Constant Pavillon jeunesse.

The facility was inaugurated in Saint-Constant, Que., on Mar. 9. Its purpose is to provide a safe environment for the city’s young people, adapted to their interests. The design includes both common areas for socialization and closed rooms for confidential interventions between youth and workers.

An outdoor terrace overlooks the site of a future skatepark, as well as basketball courts and soccer fields. Indoor activities will include cooking lessons, homework assistance, discussion forums and sports.

FNX-Innov’s mandate for the design-build project addressed civil engineering, including a preparatory study, plans, estimates, supervision, inspection and certification of compliance.

“Thanks to the design-build mode, the stages from design to construction were done quickly, easily and with few riders,” says FNX-Innov project manager Jade Bossé Bélanger, Ing. “There were no lengthy negotiations with the contractor, as we see in some projects. The contractor was motivated to meet the city’s expectations throughout the project.”

Saint-Constant youth club outdoors

Photo courtesy FNX-Innov.


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