Canadian Consulting Engineer

Foundations tested for Gordie Howe international Bridge

February 25, 2021

The massive infrastructure project is scheduled for completion by 2024.

Fugro Gordie Howe International Bridge foundation testing

Photo courtesy Fugro.

Fugro has completed foundation testing for the Gordie Howe International Bridge project, which is set to provide a new 2.5-km long Canada-U.S. border crossing between Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich., by 2024.

The project’s foundation contractors—GFL Environmental, based in Vaughan, Ont., and Malcolm Drilling, based in San Francisco, Calif.—brought Fugro’s geodata specialists onto the project to confirm its massive foundations would meet the design requirements.

The company combined bidirectional tests and sonar caliper inspections to measure load performance on sacrificial piles on each side of the Detroit River. It also used thermal integrity profiling and cross-hole sonic logging to perform shaft concrete quality evaluations to confirm the structural integrity of the production foundations.

“Our work with the foundation engineering team provided the critical geodata needed to help ensure the safe and efficient transport of people and goods across North America’s busiest border crossing for generations to come,” says Ray Wood, director of land site characterization and consulting for Fugro in the U.S.


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