Canadian Consulting Engineer

Free tendering service to replace MERX

May 9, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting engineers bidding for work with the federal government will be able to do it via a new free government portal from June 1.

Consulting engineers bidding for work with the federal government will be able to do it via a new free government portal from June 1.

The Government of Canada is concluding its contract with MERX and launching its own tendering website called

The government service will be free and will not require users to register. Its tools include the ability to search and browse current and coming tender opportunities and standing offers. It will also allow users to research historic information on contracts issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada since 2009.

MERX, which has been publishing federal and other government contract opportunities for a decade, is owned by a Montreal company called Mediagrif.

The federal government purchases $16 billion of goods and services every year.

To learn about the government tendering site, click here


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