Canadian Consulting Engineer

Funding Announced for Yukon Water and Solar Projects

September 11, 2018

In total over $16 million combined from the federal and community governments will be used for three infrastructure projects across the Territory.

Together the federal and Yukon provincial governments have announced joint funding of over $16 million for three infrastructure projects across the Territory.

The majority of the federal funding ($11.7 million) will be used for planned phase 2 improvements to the City of Dawson’s water and sewer infrastructure.

A combined total of $400,000 will go towards important plant controls upgrades to the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Water Treatment Plant to ensure the First Nation residents continue to have access to clean drinking water.

And finally $500,000 of this funding has been used to install 12 kilowatts of solar modules and energy storage in Moosehide, which will reduce the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in’s reliance on diesel at this important community site.

“Our partnership with the Government of Canada and collaboration with Yukon First Nations and municipalities is really helping us build and improve our communities. Projects to ensure access to clean drinking water and reduce diesel use improves the quality of life for Yukoners for today and the future,” said John Streicker, Yukon Minister of Community Services, in a media release.


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