Canadian Consulting Engineer

FYI – Tech Notes: home energy, geothermal, municipal planning

February 21, 2012
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Natural Resources Canada has launched a new R-2000 Standard for homes. Houses built to the new 2012 R-2000 Standard will be 50% more energy-efficient than homes built to the R-2000 standard. The first demonstration home built to the new...

Natural Resources Canada has launched a new R-2000 Standard for homes. Houses built to the new 2012 R-2000 Standard will be 50% more energy-efficient than homes built to the R-2000 standard. The first demonstration home built to the new standard was built by Urbandale Construction and is on view at weekends at 80 Equestrian in Bridlewood in Ottawa.

Geothermal heat pump installations in Canada declined in 2010 after a steep rise in the years preceding. However early estimates by the Canadian GeoExchange Coalition show that the market stabilized in 2011. The coalition has issued an extensive report entitled “The State of the Canadian Geothermal Heat Pump Industry 2011 – Industry Survey and Market Analysis.” It shows that Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia represent about 87% of the geothermal heat pump market. To see the report, click here.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has a new podcast and report available entitled “Best Practices in Alberta Municipal Sustainability Planning.” The podcast includes a panel discussion with municipal staff.

Click here.


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