Canadian Consulting Engineer

GENIVAR makes match with notable architects

September 6, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

GENIVAR of Montreal has entered a strategic alliance with a well-known architectural firm, ARCOP.

GENIVAR of Montreal has entered a strategic alliance with a well-known architectural firm, ARCOP.

Founded in 1955, Arcop has worked on projects throughout Canada, the United States, the Middle-East and Asia.

It will remain as an independent architectural partnership with partners in the Montreal and Toronto offices. It has 64 employees and offices in Montreal and Toronto.

Genivar says the alliance will allow Genivar to expand its global presence, and will enable it to undertake the planning and design of more projects at every scale and in every building category, both in Canada and internationally, with a further emphasis on sustainability.

Arcop’s awards include the prestigious Aga Khan Award for Architecture. During the 1960s and 1970s the firm helped design many massive concrete architectural landmarks that characterize downtown Montreal. They include Place Ville Marie, Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier of Place des Arts and Place Bonaventure.

More recently, the firms have collaborated on the expansion of the Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau International Airport in Dorval, the Montreal World Trade Center, and projects in India, Afghanistan and the Caribbean.

Arcop is also on the team for the new CHUM hospital in Montreal and in the design for the renovation and conservation of the West Block Building on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Genivar says that the alliance with Arcop will help them to expand their global presence, while offering integrated design and engineering services.

Pierre Shoiry, President and Chief Executive Officer of Genivar, said in an anouncement, “After our first collaborations, it became obvious that both firms’ strategic objectives and complementary abilities led to a growing interest by both firms to form a multidisciplinary team.”

Norman Glouberman, Arcop’s Managing Partner, said “Arcop’s strategic alliance with Genivar is viewed as an ideal match of corresponding skills and personalities and will strengthen Arcop’s position while competing for larger scale projects internationally and within Canada.”

Genivar now has approximately 4,700 staff in more than 100 offices in Canada and internationally.


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