Canadian Consulting Engineer

Global Marathon: free online forum promoting women in engineering

March 5, 2019

The Global Marathon creates a great opportunity for young women to learn from the experiences of those women that have journeyed before them.

A free, worldwide online forum, the Global Marathon engages women – and those who support them – in a unique opportunity to learn and receive actionable career advice.
The 2019 Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering & Technology kicks off on Wednesday, March 6 at 12:00 pm (ET), in conjunction with International Women’s Day.

The Global Marathon connects professionals and college students, offering the opportunity to meet virtually and share stories about personal, educational and professional challenges and successes.

The event is accessible via computer, tablet or mobile phone and features five Wednesday sessions every week concluding on April 3, timed to coincide with Global Day of the Engineer (Global Day), a worldwide event that recognizes and celebrates engineers and their global impact.

The sessions will also be rebroadcast, with a live Q&A on Thursdays at 12:00 pm IST/India. Access the full agenda and register for the 2019 Global Marathon.

The 2019 Global Marathon is chaired by Patty Mamola, P.E., Executive Director of Nevada Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, past-president NCEES and is currently serving as Deputy Chair of APEC Engineers Agreement in association with the International Engineering Alliance.

“The Global Marathon creates a great opportunity for young women to learn from the experiences of those women that have journeyed before them,” said Mamola. “Men are encouraged to participate as well as to hear about those experiences and the insights of women in engineering.  The Marathon strives to inspire and empower young women to stay the course and reach or exceed their engineering goals.”

Global Marathon sessions include:

  • March 6, 12pm ET – Strategies to Fill Your Confidence Gap: A lack of confidence can keep you from achieving the career you want. Learn how to gain confidence on the inside while projecting confidence on the outside. Our speakers have studied, written about, and helped unlock confidence for themselves and others and want you to learn effective strategies.
  • March 13, 12 pm ET – Why & How to Build Your Authentic Brand: When colleagues hear your name, what do they think? Is your reputation – or brand – accurate and the one you want? Join a world-renowned personal brand strategist, Nobel Prize winner, and early career software manager to not only understand how your brand can influence your career, but for practical tips to build your true-to-you authentic brand for success.
  • March 20, 12 pm ET – Are You Networked For Success?: Building a community of productive relationships – your network – helps you gain confidence and trust, ensures you get credit and backing for your ideas, and may open access to higher level executives. In this session you’ll learn ways to build a network or improve one you already have.
  • March 27, 12 pm ET – Work. Life. Blend?: You are more than your work. You have personal, family, and social or leisure interests and demands. And then there is sleep! Balance is a misnomer and your priorities change through time. So how do you blend them? How can you set expectations for you and those around you so you stay productive, happy and healthy?
  • April 3, 12 pm ET – Building Relationships Across Borders: Conferences in London. Meetings in Santiago. Phone calls with New Delhi. Successful careers require awareness and appreciation of cultural differences. Your ‘Cultural IQ’ can affect your ability to build strong, effective teams. Join our presenters, whose careers have taken them to various continents and who collaborate with colleagues around the globe, to learn how to build relationships across borders.

The program is organized by DiscoverE (formerly the National Engineers Week Foundation), a group helping to unite, mobilize, and support the engineering and technology volunteer communities.


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