Canadian Consulting Engineer

Golder releases brand refresh

February 9, 2018

The new logo represents the engineering firm's first major brand update in over half a century.

Golder unveiled its refreshed brand in January, the engineering firm’s first major brand update in over half a century.

“Golder has enjoyed a long and successful journey, responding to incredible challenges with a powerful resilient spirit, driven by our employee owners and their commitment to our company,” says Golder CEO Dr. Hisham Mahmoud. “Updating our brand isn’t just about our logo, it’s about sharing our success story more broadly with the world.”

An employee-owned firm with locations around the globe, the brand refresh was a result of direct insight and feedback from employees and clients worldwide.

According to the company it is much more than a new logo; it is a milestone marker in the company’s history, a momentum builder for the future, and a representation of Golder’s commitment to its clients and communities.


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