Canadian Consulting Engineer

Golder to lead closure of Ontario’s only diamond mine

March 10, 2021

The mine's operations ended two years ago.

Victor Mine

Photo courtesy De Beers Group.

De Beers Group has appointed Golder prime contractor for the closure of the Victor Mine, Ontario’s first and only diamond mine, which operated from 2008 to 2019 in the James Bay Lowlands, some 90 km west of Attawapiskat First Nation.

The work will include demolishing the open-pit mine’s remaining infrastructure and rehabilitating the remote (fly-in/fly-out) site. Golder will offer employment opportunities for nearby Indigenous community members in the day-to-day management of the site, including direct hiring of labourers and operators and company contracts for security, cleaning and catering, among other services. Both Golder and De Beers will provide skills training and business development to serve the community after the mine’s closure.

“Golder has a strong track record of successful closure and rehabilitation of industrial sites around the world, including working with local communities where they operate,” says Maxwell Morapeli, De Beers’ head of asset retirement. “We look forward to benefiting from their experience as we continue the responsible closure of Victor mine.”

The closure project mobilized Golder’s team—including construction, environmental and mining specialists—to the site earlier this year and the work is expected to continue to 2023.


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