Canadian Consulting Engineer

Hatch joins Tractebel and Laurentis to support industrial SMR clients

December 12, 2023

Hatch, Tractebel and Laurentis Energy Partners

Pictured front row from left to right: Anicet Touré (Tractebel), Jim Sarvinis (Hatch), Amar Jolly (Hatch), Jason Van Wart (Laurentis), Arnaud Rahier (Tractebel), Denis Dumont (Tractebel). Back row from left to right: Philippe Van Troeye (Tractebel), Ken Hartwick (OPG), Robert Francki (Hatch). Photo courtesy Hatch.

Canadian consulting engineering firm Hatch will work with Tractebel and Laurentis Energy Partners to develop a ‘one-stop shop’ to support industrial small modular reactor (SMR) clients around the world.

The new alliance expands upon Hatch and Tractebel’s previously announced co-operation agreement to deliver professional services to advance the use of nuclear technology. Tractebel, a consulting engineering firm headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, is part of the Engie Group and has more than 60 years’ experience in nuclear engineering—from design to decommissioning—in Europe. The company opened a Greater Toronto Area (GTA) office in 2022.

Laurentis, a subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation (OPG) with international reach, is already involved in developing SMR projects—which can range from 1 to 300 MW—across North America and Europe.

The three companies will combine their skills and expertise to help streamline processes, reduce risks and ensure lessons learned are transferred from one project to the next. They will focus on the chemical, oil, gas, steel, mining and metals industries, which could benefit from the scalability and siting flexibility of high-temperature SMRs for locations unable to accommodate larger, traditional reactors.

“Our collective experience creates a win-win for nuclear and industrial clients, our communities and our climate,” says Hatch global nuclear director Amar Jolly. “We believe nuclear will be instrumental in the energy transformation, achieving global net-zero goals and the decarbonization of heavy industries.”

“The global energy landscape is changing rapidly,” says Laurentis president and CEO Jason Van Wart. “Together, we can help heavy-industry clients bring nuclear energy projects to life.”


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