Canadian Consulting Engineer

Hatch provides safety advice for pumped storage project in Meaford, Ont.

May 10, 2022

The proposed facility is intended to enhance Ontario’s electrical grid.

Pumped storage

Photo courtesy Hatch.

TC Energy has selected consulting engineering firm Hatch to provide reservoir safety expertise and advisory services for the development of a 1,000-MW pumped storage project in Meaford, Ont.

The proposed facility, adjacent to Georgian Bay, is intended to help provide flexible, clean and renewable energy to Ontario’s electrical grid. TC Energy has engaged Hatch to facilitate an independent safety advisory board, provide guidance through all stages of the project and support a community liaison committee.

The advisory board will be led by Richard Donnelly, Hatch’s principal consultant for dams and waterpower. He has more than 40 years’ experience in the design and construction of hydroelectric and pumped storage facilities, dams and underground structures, has carried out more than 300 safety assessments for such facilities and has helped international organizations develop dam safety guidelines and regulations.

The other members of the board will include experts in reservoir construction and safe operation of hydroelectric facilities.


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