Canadian Consulting Engineer

IBI Group launches asset management platform

July 5, 2018

The increased focus on providing additional solutions for the assets they design, creating additional revenue streams for the firm, is part of IBI’s new strategic direction.

InFormIBI Group has launched its InForm by IBI Group asset management platform, a cloud-based solution to help clients manage assets, make informed maintenance and planning decisions, and ultimately reduce operational costs.

The product serves two key market sectors: InForm Office for facilities management and space planning, and InForm Transportation for linear infrastructure.

InForm Buildings for building operations is currently in development. Designed for building owners and maintenance providers, InForm Buildings will allow clients to track all operational assets, including boilers, chillers, pumps and HVAC systems, and will also feature an energy analytics module.

InForm by IBI Group offers our clients a powerful platform to minimize the lifecycle costs of their assets,” said IBI Group CEO, Scott Stewart in company media release. “It is an asset management solution that leverages the wealth of data generated during the design phase of a project to intelligently manage building and infrastructure assets on an ongoing basis. This increased focus on providing solutions related to the operations and maintenance of the assets we design, while creating additional revenue streams for the firm, is an exciting part of IBI’s new strategic direction.”

InForm Office supports building owners, facilities managers and tenants in managing their second highest business expense, real estate space and the contents of that space.

The system tracks furniture, IT equipment and other interior assets, as well as offering clients space usage analytics. The utilization analytics give clients the ability to identify underutilized work areas, floors and/or departments to which space has been over-allocated. Clients can effectively maintain floorplans based on staff turnover, identify costs per employee, and produce chargeback reports for business leaders and department heads to discourage waste.

Incorporating detailed building information models, InForm Office offers clients the ability to interact with a three dimensional model of their building, providing a depth of building data and an ease of use unique to the asset management market.

InForm Transportation is used to manage linear infrastructure assets, including cameras, signs, signals, and sensors for highway operations.

IBI Group is expanding the use of this system to its core infrastructure client base, extending it to transit agencies, municipal operators and international clients.

The InForm by IBI Group portfolio will continue to evolve as additional products and modules are released.


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