Canadian Consulting Engineer

International teams competing for Toronto’s Lower Don Lands

February 26, 2007
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporate has selected four international teams to take part in a competition...

The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporate has selected four international teams to take part in a competition to transform the Lower Don Lands. The Lower Don Lands are just one of the parcels the corporation is developing along the city’s former industrial waterfront. The 40-hectare parcel extends south of the rail corridor around the Keating Channel, east of the Parliament Street slip to the Don River.
The overall goals of the design competition are to naturalize the mouth of the Don River and create a continuous riverfront park system. The teams will also have to design flood protection for the adjacent Port Lands.
They have to produce a “bold and compelling concept” for the long-neglected area. The river has to be a central feature. The area is subject to three concurrent environmental assessments.
The four teams in the competition are led by Stoss Inc. of Boston, MVVA of New York, Weiss/Manfredi of New York and Atelier Girot of Zurich, Switzerland. Among the Canadian consulting engineering companies involved on various teams are Totten Sims Hubicki (MVVA) , McCormick Rankin and Golder Associates (Weiss/Manfredi).
The winning design will be on display at the BCE Place Galleria between April 16-24.


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