Canadian Consulting Engineer

Istanbul tower aspires to European record

December 28, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

London's Financial Times reports that construction will begin in 2012 on what the developers are billing "Europe's tallest tower."

London’s Financial Times reports that construction will begin in 2012 on what the developers are billing “Europe’s tallest tower.”

The tower Varyap-GAP Tower will be built in Istanbul — however on the Asian side of the city.

Istanbul already has over a dozen skyscrapers completed in the past decade. The city hopes to become a financial centre in the ranks of London, New York, Shanghai and Tokyo by 2035.

The height of the Varyap-GAP mixed-use tower has not yet been determined, but the design allows for it to be 400 metres tall, including a 100-metre crown. That makes it significantly taller than the 310-metre tall Shard tower in London that is be completed in 2012.

Plans for the tower include offices, apartments, hotel, sky lobby and large public shopping area.

According to the Financial Times, the developers Varyap and GAP Insaat are holding an online vote to name the building and decide its height.


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