Canadian Consulting Engineer

Kelly Ramsey Tower revitalizes heart of downtown Edmonton

January 27, 2015

Historical facades will wrap the podium to the Kelly Ramsey tower in downtown Edmonton.

Historical facades will wrap the podium to the Kelly Ramsey tower in downtown Edmonton. Image: Dialog.

The south and east facades of two historic buildings in downtown Edmonton will be rebuilt on a podium for a new 21-storey tower on the site. The Kelly Ramsey tower at the corner of Rice Howard Way, 101st Street and 101A Street is the first new office tower to be built in the heart of the downtown since 1990.

The historic buildings suffered a major fire in 2009 and were left derelict until new owner John Day Developments took over.

Dialog is the architect and structural engineer of the new 68,225-sq. m building, which is under construction. Hemisphere is providing mechanical and electrical engineering.

The historic facades have been documented and dismantled while the main construction takes place. By 2016 the reassembled frontages will provide a lively street-scale frontage for cafes and restaurants.

The new tower will have a pedway connection to Manulife Place and a below-grade connection to an LRT transit station to the south.


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