Canadian Consulting Engineer

Kerr Wood Leidal to upgrade Isintok Dam Spillway

February 14, 2023

Construction should wrap up by the end of May.

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Logo courtesy Kerr Wood Leidal.

Kerr Wood Leidal Consulting Engineers (KWL) will design and construct the Isintok Dam Spillway Upgrade project for the district of Summerland, B.C.

Engineering reviews from 2020 to 2022 confirmed the spillway is undersized, has deteriorated and poses a flood risk to the community. The Isintok Dam has the potential to cause significant impact to human life, the environment and local properties in an extreme inflow event.

“The spillway is at end of its serviceable life,” says Doug Holmes, Summerland’s mayor. “Moving forward with this project will help improve the safety and security of our water supply.”

The Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) has awarded a $150,000 provincial grant for the project through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund – Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaption funding stream. The district will contribute an additional $60,580, for a total project cost of $210,580.

The project will involve surveys, geotechnical and environmental assessments, permits, approvals and communication with Indigenous communities. KWL will design and plan a new spillway structure, channel protection and a bridge crossing the Isintok Creek conveyance channel on the primary access road.

Construction is scheduled to be completed by May 31.


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