Canadian Consulting Engineer

Last chance to comment on changes to Canada’s national building code

November 13, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Time is running out for anyone wishing to review and comment on proposed changes to the National Building Code of C...

Time is running out for anyone wishing to review and comment on proposed changes to the National Building Code of Canada (NBC). The public review period closes on November 28.

The relevant standing committees of the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes will review every comment that is submitted and decide whether the proposed change should be withdrawn, further reviewed, or approved with or without modification.

The proposed changes are significant and affect the National Building Code, National Fire Code and National Plumbing Code. The changes will be incorporated in the 2010 building code.

For example, in NBC Part 4 (Structural Design), new provisions are set for wind loads, live loads for assemblies and for vehicle loads, and for earthquake design. In Part 5 (Environmental Separation), there are proposed changes for structural loads with regard to earthquake loads and effects, changes with respect to harmonized standards for windows doors and skylights, and changes to sealant standards.


For Part 6 (heating, ventilating and air-conditioning), there are proposals to overcome problems with contamination in air being introduced into buildings. The proposed changes will set maximum levels of particulate matter, ground-level ozone and carbon monoxide in air for building ventilation purposes. 

To review these and many other proposed changes, visit Comments must be submitted on-line using the On-line Comment Form.


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