Canadian Consulting Engineer

Latest Infrastructure Resilience Publication focuses on buildings and lifeline standards

April 16, 2019

The book zeroes in on the enhancements needed in the design and construction of buildings and lifeline systems (communications, electric power, water, transportation) to support a community’s social stability, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability.

resilienceA new publication from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Resilience-Based Performance: Next Generation Guidelines for Buildings and Lifeline Standards, the third publication in the Infrastructure Resilience Publication (IRP) series, focuses on the enhancements needed in the design and construction of buildings and lifeline systems to support a community’s social stability, economic vitality, and environmental sustainability.

Lifelines are networks that are vital to the communities they serve, and include communications, electric power, water, transportation.

The new 100-page softcover book is divided into four thematic areas:

  • Characterization of communities and their supporting infrastructure,
  • Hazard assessment,
  • Metrics and assessment methods for community resilience,
  • Metrics and assessment methods for building and lifeline performance.

Current code-based standards focus on the performance of individual facilities and are out of sync with the resilience needs of the broader community. This Infrastructure Resilience Publication provides the basis of a new approach that integrates community-level resilience goals with functional recover-based design standards.  The convergent nature of this challenge makes this book appealing to engineers, social scientists, economists, planners, and government officials.


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